In part one of this post, I talked about my tribulations trying to solve 2024’s Advent of Code using Elixer. I ended with my solution to part 1 of day 6, which was too inefficient to re-use for part 2. This article details how I re-wrote my day 6 solution more efficiently and, I hope, more elegantly.
Transforming the input data
This time, instead of working with a flattened grid (an optimisation in languages with array-based lists that doesn’t apply to Elixer’s linked lists) I’ve created a list of tuples comprising 2D coordinates and values.
{:ok, input} ="../input/06-input.txt")
grid = input
|> String.trim
|> String.split("\n")
|> Enum.reverse
|> Enum.with_index
|> {row, y} ->
|> Enum.with_index
|> {val, x} -> {{x, y}, val} end)
|> Enum.concat
cells =
{start_pos, start_dir} = grid
|> Enum.find(fn {_pos, val} -> val in ["^", ">", "v", "<"] end)
Part 1 Solution
Again I’ve used reduce_while/3 but this time my accumulator is a MapSet, rather than a linked list based on the entire grid as the input. The advantages of a MapSet are
that lookups happen in constant time (O(1)) compared to linear time (O(n)) with linked lists
and that unless all cells are traversed, the set will have fewer members than elements in the flat grid list.
visited = Stream.iterate(40, & &1 + 1)
|> Enum.reduce_while(
{start_pos, start_dir,[start_pos])},
fn _i, {pos, dir, visited} ->
case Gallivant.update_position(pos, dir, cells) do
{new_pos, new_dir} ->
{:cont, {new_pos, new_dir, visited |> MapSet.put(new_pos)}}
:out_of_bounds ->
{:halt, visited}
path_length = MapSet.size(visited)
IO.puts("Part 1 result: #{path_length}")
The business logic is far simpler than in my first attempt. I’ve used mappings to deal with transformations of the “guard” grapheme. The rest is a bit of basic vector maths and pattern matching.
defmodule Gallivant do
@offsets %{"^" => {0, 1}, ">" => {1, 0}, "v" => {0, -1}, "<" => {-1, 0}}
@clockwise %{"^" => ">", ">" => "v", "v" => "<", "<" => "^"}
def update_position(pos, dir, cells) do
{x, y} = pos
{x_offset, y_offset} = @offsets[dir]
new_pos = {x+x_offset, y+y_offset}
case cells[new_pos] do
"#" ->
{pos, @clockwise[dir]}
nil ->
_ ->
{new_pos, dir}
Part 2 Solution
To speed things up a bit, I’ve used the set of visited cell positions as input for part 2. This works because part 2 only requires changing a single cell at a time, and one that the “guard” will traverse.
While I’ve re-used the same business logic that solved part 1, the reduce_while
code is undoubtedly more complex to account for the task of determining whether the traversal is cyclic — whether there’s a loop. In this case, both the direction and position need to be stored in the set because a cycle only occurs when the same position and direction are encountered twice.
loop_count = visited
|> pos -> cells |> Map.put(pos, "#") end)
|> updated_cells ->
Stream.iterate(0, & &1 + 1)
|> Enum.reduce_while(
{start_pos, start_dir,[{start_pos, start_dir}])},
fn _i, {pos, dir, visited} ->
case Gallivant.update_position(pos, dir, updated_cells) do
{new_pos, new_dir} ->
if MapSet.member?(visited, {new_pos, new_dir}) do
{:halt, :loop}
{:cont, {new_pos, new_dir, visited |> MapSet.put({new_pos, new_dir})}}
:out_of_bounds ->
{:halt, :no_loop}
|> Enum.filter(fn result -> result == :loop end)
|> Enum.count
IO.puts("Part 2 result: #{loop_count}")
Hopefully, this little foray into my recreational coding was interesting.
I certainly find Advent of Code valuable, because it gives me exposure to “computer science” coding-interview-style problems I wouldn't otherwise get. Many of the problems I encounter in my day-to-day work are with databases, cloud infrastructure and large and old codebases; the fine algorithmic details that AoC focuses on have already been dealt with by many of the tools I use.